A JS framework for generating css styles based on a simplified syntax that allows you to write the desired style very quickly and simply, and then apply it

Variable About
sdp. Identification tag (variable), which serves as the main part for variables and functions
JS Object Action Values Version
version The SDP version - 1.0
msg Allows you to display test messages in the console true, false 1.0
visible_vars Allows you to see the variables in the HTML page true, false 1.0
values_convert Returns the CCC styles instead of the simplified ones that are given STRING 1.0
special_chars Encodes Unicode into HTML characters STRING 1.0
get_styles Returns current styles - 1.0
start Running scripts to run the SDP - 1.0
delete_spaces Removes spaces from any text or variable STRING 1.0
errors Will errors be shown if SDP is not compiled correctly true, false 1.1
warns Will warns be shown if SDP is not compiled correctly true, false 1.1

cla.sdpapi v1.0.cla102


    "modules":["sdp", "cla-advanced", "sdp-api", "javascript"],
            "moduleTags":["sdp", "sdp-script", "sdp-syntax", "sdpsyntax"]